Are you curious about your future financial security? If so, you’ve probably noticed the rise in financial stability discussions over the past decade. In response, many recent studies have revealed the core traits of those who experience financial success.With this information in mind, we have generated a quiz to help forecast your future financial stability. Use your best estimation and answer the following questions. 1. When it comes to checking overdrafts you... Don't even think about it. You have overdraft protection and always have at least a little cushion in the account. Have overdraft protection. However, you never used it before so you don't really think about it that much. Have overdraft protection for that. If you didnt, you might be using a different bank. Don't care because you dont use a checking account. 2. The amount of time I spend thinking about other work... Doesn't distract me because I don't think about other work. I am already successful and content in my position. Is very little. It’s only when I think about a better paying job. Is quite large because I can barely make it with my current job. Is all the time because I’m broke with no work. 3. When you are out spending your money recreationally, you... Budget but also enjoy spending because your income is solid. Spend only once; your savings are sufficient. Often splurge your money. You have trouble managing your own cash. Don't often spend because you’re afraid to lose money. 4. You accumulate assets... Frequently because your income equity streams are substantial enough to do so. Occasionally but focus mostly on saving and investment. Rarely because you’re striving to stay out of debt. Very rarely. You’ve liquidated all of your assets. 5. My home equity situation... Couldn't be better. I own my property outright and values are always rising. Is decent. I'm paying a mortgage and values are expected to rise. Could use some improvement. I am interested in ownership. Is very low. 6. My credit line... Is quite high thanks to my high credit. Is increasing because I pay my bills on time. Is low because my debt to income ratio is rather high. Is stuck because I’ve taken out loans I can’t always pay. 7. When it comes to getting your work done... You are always ready to tackle any challenge. You work efficiently at a decent paying job. You can do it but your work is tedious and low paying. You struggle a great deal. Time is Up!Total Views: 22652 ,